

Every computer I encountered as a child ignited my curiosity, including two early machines I inherited from family — an Apple IIgs and a Compaq Portable.

Despite my fascination and attempts to learn BASIC and DOS, those vintage pieces didn't provide much practical enjoyment.

In my early teens, I received a new Compaq Presario laptop as a gift. Before I could drive, I'd ask my mother to drop me off at Barnes & Noble, where I'd spend hours browsing through computer books. This was how I spent most Friday and Saturday nights during high school, and somehow, I eventually managed to find a girlfriend — in French class, no less.

My curiosity evolved into a technology career, encompassing roles at eBay, YouTube, Google, and The Walt Disney Company.

In 2019, I established a business entity to facilitate my return to consulting and serve as a platform for developing ideas.

I currently reside in Connecticut with my wonderful wife and our two children.


This site and its contents were written, designed, and coded by me. My primary editor and CLI is Visual Studio Code, while Figma, Adobe PhotoShop, and Illustrator are for user interface and visual design.

This site is built atop the react framework Next.js and maintained via a private repo on Github that triggers automatic deployment to a â–ČVercel staging environment prior to release.